Welcome to SPA Laboratory

About us

S - System / Security
P - Platform
A - Architecture

Led by Professor Krerk Piromsopa, Ph.D. Krerk Piromsopa, Ph.D., we are a group of faculty members, graduate students and students at the Department of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) dedicated to the creation of a better computer system. Our (strong) background is in Systems (and security), Platform, and Architecture. we call our group SPA.

To see the idea of our works and interests, take a look at our publications.

SPA Internal Wiki

The SPA internal Wiki is reserved only for the members of SPA Lab.

Though unauthorized access is prohibited, students are encouraged to join by contacting Krerk Piromsopa, Ph.D. for a new wiki account.
If you are a member, please login and proceed to the wiki start page.